Because I’m doing so much moving around of the post-upgraded sites I’m running into lots of issues with broken links. In an attempt to solve this problem I’ve begun working on 3 commands. This first command, gl-replacefieldvalues, will take in a search string and a replacement string and modify every list item where a match is made. The searching can be scoped to the entire farm, a single web application, a single site collection (and all sub-sites), a single web site (and all sub-sites) or a single list and can be further restricted to only update a specific field.

The command uses Regex.Replace() so you can get pretty complex with your replacements (I’m no regular expression expert so I’ve kept my uses fairly simplistic). The other two commands I’ll document later (one will apply all the URL changes identified in the Upgrade Area Url Mappings list and the other will attempt to handle content within web parts – I’m still creating these and should be finished some time this week).

The large bulk of this code is just a series of methods with different loops in them to handle the various scoping capabilities. The core code itself is simply looking at all fields of type string and doing a regular expression replace using the provided details. I’ve also added the ability to dump all changes to a log file as well as to run the command in a “test” mode where it will show you what it would change but not actually make the change – I’d strongly recommend you use this first to verify all the changes that will be made. The core code is shown below:

 1private static void ReplaceValues(SPList list, Settings settings)
 3    Log(settings, "Processing List: " + list.DefaultViewUrl);
 5    Regex regex = new Regex(settings.SearchString);
 7    foreach (SPListItem item in list.Items)
 8    {
 9        if (item.File != null && !Utilities.IsCheckedOutByCurrentUser(item))
10        {
11            continue;
12        }
13        bool wasCheckedOut = true;
14        bool modified = false;
16        foreach (SPField field in list.Fields)
17        {
18            if (item[field.Id] == null || field.ReadOnlyField)
19                continue;
21            if (list.Title == "98d3057cd9024c27b2007643c1" && field.Title == "V2ServerRelativeUrl")
22                continue; // We don't want to change this url because then external links will break.
24            Type fieldType = item[field.Id].GetType();
26            if (fieldType != typeof(string))
27                continue; // We're only going to work with strings.
29            string fieldName = field.Title.ToLowerInvariant();
30            if (settings.UseInternalFieldName)
31                fieldName = field.InternalName.ToLowerInvariant();
33            if (settings.FieldName == null || settings.FieldName.ToLowerInvariant() == fieldName)
34            {
35                bool isMatch = regex.IsMatch((string)item[field.Id]);
37                if (!isMatch)
38                    continue;
39                string result = regex.Replace((string) item[field.Id], settings.ReplaceString);
41                Log(settings, string.Format("Match found: List={0}, Field={1}, Replacement={2} => {3}", item.Url, field.Title, item[field.Id], result));
43                if (!settings.Test)
44                {
45                    if (item.File != null && item.File.CheckOutStatus == SPFile.SPCheckOutStatus.None)
46                    {
47                        item.File.CheckOut();
48                        wasCheckedOut = false;
49                    }
50                    item[field.Id] = result;
51                    modified = true;
52                }
53            }
54        }
55        if (modified && !settings.Test)
56            item.Update();
58        if (modified && item.File != null)
59            item.File.CheckIn("Checking in changes to list item due to automated search and replace (\"" + settings.SearchString + "\" replaced with \"" + settings.ReplaceString + "\").");
60        else if (!wasCheckedOut && item.File != null)
61            item.File.UndoCheckOut();
63        if (modified && settings.Publish && item.File != null)
64            item.File.Publish("Publishing changes to list item due to automated search and replace (\"" + settings.SearchString + "\" replaced with \"" + settings.ReplaceString + "\").");
66        if (modified && settings.Publish && item.ModerationInformation != null && item.File != null)
67            item.File.Approve("Approving changes to list item due to automated search and replace (\"" + settings.SearchString + "\" replaced with \"" + settings.ReplaceString + "\").");
68    }
69    Log(settings, "Finished Processing List: " + list.DefaultViewUrl + "\r\n");

The syntax of the command I created can be seen below.

C:\>stsadm -help gl-replacefieldvalues

stsadm -o gl-replacefieldvalues

Replaces all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string.  Supports use of regular expressions.  Use -test to verify your replacements before executing.

        [-url <url to search>]
        {-inputfile <input file> |
         -searchstring <regular expression string to search for>
         -replacestring <replacement string>}
        -scope <Farm | WebApplication | Site | Web | List>
        [-field <field name>]
        [-useinternalfieldname (if not present then the display name will be used)]
        [-inputfiledelimiter <delimiter character to use in the input file (default is "|")>]
        [-inputfileisxml (input is XML in the following format: <Replacements><Replacement><SearchString>string</SearchString><ReplaceString>string</ReplaceString></Replacement><Replacements>)
        [-logfile <log file>]

Here’s an example of how to replace all occurrences of “/Topics/Divisions/HumanResources/” with “/hr/” in all lists within a web application using a case insensitive match:

stsadm -o gl-replacefieldvalues -url "http://intranet/" -scope webapplication -searchstring "(?i:/Topics/Divisions/HumanResources/)" -replacestring "/hr/" -logfile "c:\replace.log" -publish

If you wish to filter by field name you can specify either the display name or the internal name. Note that if you specify the internal name you must also add the useinternalfieldname parameter – if you don’t use the internal field name then be aware that you may be updating more than the field you intended as the display name is not always unique (but in most cases it is).

If you don’t want your changes published then don’t specify the publish parameter. However, specifying the publish parameter will not publish items that were previously checked out. If an item can be published and it requires approval then specifying the publish parameter will also cause the item to be approved. Use of regular expressions can be extremely powerful and dangerous especially when updating at a large scope so again, I strongly encourage the use of the -test parameter to verify the changes to be made before you actually apply your changes.

Update 12/13/2007: I’ve updated this command to support the passing in of an input file containing search and replace strings. The input file can be either a flat file where each replacement is on a separate line with a delimiter separating the search and replace strings or an XML file. The syntax details have been updated above. Thanks to Glenn Hickman for helping with this.