Way back one of the first commands I created was one which would allow you to set the Master Site Directory (gl-setmastersitedirectory). It turns out that because my company decided to have each division in it’s own site collection that I also needed to be able to set the local site directory (http://[host]/_layouts/SiteDirectorySettings.aspx).

This one took me a minute to figure out what was involved as the disassembled code was a bit of a mess. After spending some time with it I realized it was actually quite simple – just a matter of setting some properties on the root SPWeb object. The core code, which identifies the properties that need to be set, is shown below:

 1/// <summary>
 2/// Writes to the web property bag.
 3/// </summary>
 4/// <param name="site">The site containing the site directory.</param>
 5/// <param name="siteDirectoryLoc">The site directory location.</param>
 6/// <param name="enforceNewListing">if set to <c>true</c> [enforce new listing].</param>
 7/// <param name="entryRequirements">The entry requirements.</param>
 8/// <param name="allowSiteCollectionCreation">if set to <c>true</c> [allow site collection creation].</param>
 9private static void WriteToWebPropertyBag(SPSite site, string siteDirectoryLoc, bool enforceNewListing, SiteDirectoryEntryRequirements entryRequirements, bool allowSiteCollectionCreation)
11    using (SPWeb rootWeb = site.RootWeb)
12    {
13        // Set the SiteID corresponding to the site housing the site directory.
14        if (rootWeb.AllProperties.ContainsKey("DefaultSiteDirectorySiteId"))
15        {
16            rootWeb.AllProperties["DefaultSiteDirectorySiteId"] =
17                site.ID.ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
18        }
19        else
20        {
21            rootWeb.AllProperties.Add("DefaultSiteDirectorySiteId",
22                site.ID.ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
23        }
25        // Set the WebID corresponding to the site directory.
26        Guid webId;
27        GetSiteDirectoryId(site, siteDirectoryLoc, out webId);
29        if (rootWeb.AllProperties.ContainsKey("DefaultSiteDirectoryWebId"))
30        {
31            rootWeb.AllProperties["DefaultSiteDirectoryWebId"] =
32                webId.ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
33        }
34        else
35        {
36            rootWeb.AllProperties.Add("DefaultSiteDirectoryWebId",
37                webId.ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
38        }
40        // Remove the default location if specified.
41        if (rootWeb.AllProperties.ContainsKey("DefaultSiteDirectoryLocation"))
42        {
43            rootWeb.AllProperties.Remove("DefaultSiteDirectoryLocation");
44        }
46        // Set the enforce new listings option.
47        if (rootWeb.AllProperties.ContainsKey(LocalSiteDirectoryConstants.EnforceNewListingForSites.ToString()))
48        {
49            rootWeb.AllProperties[LocalSiteDirectoryConstants.EnforceNewListingForSites.ToString()] =
50                enforceNewListing.ToString();
51        }
52        else
53        {
54            rootWeb.AllProperties.Add(LocalSiteDirectoryConstants.EnforceNewListingForSites.ToString(),
55                enforceNewListing.ToString());
56        }
58        // Set the allow site collection creation option if self service site creation is enabled.
59        if (site.WebApplication.SelfServiceSiteCreationEnabled)
60        {
61            if (rootWeb.AllProperties.ContainsKey(
62                LocalSiteDirectoryConstants.AllowSiteCollectionCreation.ToString()))
63            {
64                rootWeb.AllProperties[LocalSiteDirectoryConstants.AllowSiteCollectionCreation.ToString()] =
65                allowSiteCollectionCreation.ToString();
66            }
67            else
68            {
69                rootWeb.AllProperties.Add(LocalSiteDirectoryConstants.AllowSiteCollectionCreation.ToString(),
70                    allowSiteCollectionCreation.ToString());
71            }
72        }
73        else if (allowSiteCollectionCreation)
74        {
75            throw new SPException("You must enable self service site creation via the central adminisration tool before you can allow site collection creation.");
76        }
78        if (enforceNewListing)
79        {
80            // If we're enforcing new listings then set the directory entry requirements.
81            if (rootWeb.AllProperties.ContainsKey(LocalSiteDirectoryConstants.SiteDirectoryEntryRequirements.ToString()))
82            {
83                rootWeb.AllProperties[LocalSiteDirectoryConstants.SiteDirectoryEntryRequirements.ToString()] =
84                entryRequirements.ToString();
85            }
86            else
87            {
88                rootWeb.AllProperties.Add(
89                LocalSiteDirectoryConstants.SiteDirectoryEntryRequirements.ToString(),
90                entryRequirements.ToString());
91            }
92        }
94        // Update the web with the specified properties.
95        rootWeb.Update();
96    }

The syntax of the command, gl-setlocalsitedirectory, can be seen below.

C:\>stsadm -help gl-setlocalsitedirectory

stsadm -o gl-setlocalsitedirectory

Sets the local, or site collection, site directory.

        -siteurl <site collection url>
        -url <site directory url>
        [-sitedirentryrequirement <0=none, 1=at least one category, 2=all categories>]

Here’s an example of how to set the site directory for a given site collection:

stsadm -o gl-setlocalsitedirectory -siteurl "http://intranet/hr" -url "/hr/SiteDirectory" -enforcelistinginsitedir -sitedirentryrequirement -allowsitecollectioncreation