One of the first PowerShell cmdlets I built, Get-SPSite, addresses some common issues found with working with SPSite objects. I struggled with how I could provide a means to quickly and easily get SPSite objects while at the same time helping administrators so they don’t have to worry (as much) about object disposal. For those that aren’t familiar with the SPSite object (Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite), it’s the equivalent programmatic element for working with site collections.

What I eventually ended up creating (thanks to some good advice from Harley Green) was a simple wrapper object which encapsulates most of the key properties of the SPSite object thus allowing basic reporting and decision making processing without the need to worry about disposing of the object. Consider the following code snippet:

2$webapp = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebApplication]::Lookup("http://portal")
3foreach ($site in $webapp.Sites) {
4    Write-Host $site.Url

The above code results in a memory leak. If you don’t re-loop through each SPSite object in the collection and dispose of the object by calling the Dispose() method you will end up with unmanaged resources left in memory that could eventually cause issues if you do a lot of processing like this (eventually the GC will dispose of the objects but that could take quite some time).

Another option would be to use a different approach to get all the SPSite objects within a web application, an approach that can be used for more dynamic querying of objects and returns back an object that would not require disposal – an SPSiteInfo object. Here’s an example of how you could do something similar to the above using my Get-SPSite cmdlet:

1foreach ($site in get-spsite -url http://portal*) {
2    Write-Host $site.Url

The one obvious downside of this approach is that the wildcard means that I have to inspect every single site collection within the farm to figure out where there are matches so if you’re looking for performance this definitely isn’t the best approach. Typically though, we’re more concerned about flexibility and ease of use rather than performance when performing the simple administrative tasks that we’d be looking to perform using PowerShell.

What I like about the approach I put together is that I can now do filtered queries without having to worry about whether or not I disposed of the objects. Here’s an example of how to find all the site collections within the farm where the storage size is greater than 80% of the quota:

1get-spsite -url * | where -filterscript {$_.Usage.Storage -ge $_.Quota.StoragemaximumLevel*.8 -and $_.Quota.StorageMaximumLevel -ne 0} | select Url,@{Name="Storage";expression={$_.Usage.Storage/1MB}}

In the above I can simply call my Get-SPSite cmdlet, filter out all items where the current storage is less than 0.8 of the maximum level if set (StorageMaximumLevel is not 0), and then display the URL and the current size, in megabytes, of the the remaining site collections.

It’s important to remember that the SPSiteInfo object is meant to be read-only as most of the properties are just copies of the variables but there are some exceptions such as the SPRecycleBinItemCollection object returned by the RecycleBin property or the SPFeatureCollection object returned by the Features property. In general, if you have to call the Update() method of the SPSite object to save your changes then you have to use the actual SPSite object, otherwise you can work directly with the SPSiteInfo object and forego the need to instantiate and dispose of the SPSite object.

Okay, so working with properties is pretty easy and we can do some nice reports using them and even access the web application using the WebApplication property or the webs using the AllWebs collection property (all without having to dispose any of the returned objects – the AllWebs property returns a collection of SPWebInfo objects) but what about when you do need to access the actual SPSite object? There are two approaches for this: the first is to use the SPBase property which will create a new SPSite instance and store that instance as a private member variable for future access to the property thus avoiding the overhead of creating another instance on subsequent calls; the second is to use the GetSPObject() method which creates a new instance of the SPSite object but does not store a copy so it’s a nice easy way to get an entirely new instance of the actual SPSite object (useful for when you’ve made a change which requires a reload due to caching). In both cases you are responsible for disposing of the returned object.

The following code snippet shows the SPSiteInfo class:

  1using System;
  2using System.Collections.Generic;
  3using System.Linq;
  4using System.Management.Automation;
  5using System.Text;
  6using Microsoft.SharePoint;
  7using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration;
  8using Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow;
 10namespace Lapointe.SharePoint.PowerShell.Commands.Proxies
 12    public class SPSiteInfo : ISPInfo
 13    {
 14        private List<SPWebInfo> m_AllWebs;
 15        private SPSite m_Site;
 17        internal SPSiteInfo(SPSite site)
 18        {
 19            ID = site.ID;
 20            AllowRssFeeds = site.AllowRssFeeds;
 21            AllowUnsafeUpdates = site.AllowUnsafeUpdates;
 22            ApplicationRightsMask = site.ApplicationRightsMask;
 23            Audit = site.Audit;
 24            CatchAccessDeniedException = site.CatchAccessDeniedException;
 25            CertificationDate = site.CertificationDate;
 26            ContentDatabase = site.ContentDatabase;
 27            CurrentChangeToken = site.CurrentChangeToken;
 28            DeadWebNotificationCount = site.DeadWebNotificationCount;
 29            ExternalBinaryIds = site.ExternalBinaryIds;
 30            Features = site.Features;
 31            HostHeaderIsSiteName = site.HostHeaderIsSiteName;
 32            HostName = site.HostName;
 33            IISAllowsAnonymous = site.IISAllowsAnonymous;
 34            Impersonating = site.Impersonating;
 35            IsPaired = site.IsPaired;
 36            LastContentModifiedDate = site.LastContentModifiedDate;
 37            LastSecurityModifiedDate = site.LastSecurityModifiedDate;
 38            LockIssue = site.LockIssue;
 39            Owner = site.Owner;
 40            Port = site.Port;
 41            PortalName = site.PortalName;
 42            PortalUrl = site.PortalUrl;
 43            Protocol = site.Protocol;
 44            Quota = site.Quota;
 45            ReadLocked = site.ReadLocked;
 46            ReadOnly = site.ReadOnly;
 47            RecycleBin = site.RecycleBin;
 48            try
 49            {
 50                RootWeb = new SPWebInfo(site.RootWeb);
 51            }
 52            catch (Exception) {}
 53            SearchServiceInstance = site.SearchServiceInstance;
 54            SecondaryContact = site.SecondaryContact;
 55            ServerRelativeUrl = site.ServerRelativeUrl;
 56            SyndicationEnabled = site.SyndicationEnabled;
 57            SystemAccount = site.SystemAccount;
 58            UpgradeRedirectUri = site.UpgradeRedirectUri;
 59            Url = site.Url;
 60            Usage = site.Usage;
 61            try
 62            {
 63                UserAccountDirectoryPath = site.UserAccountDirectoryPath;
 64            }
 65            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { }
 66            UserToken = site.UserToken;
 67            WarningNotificationSent = site.WarningNotificationSent;
 68            WebApplication = site.WebApplication;
 69            //WorkflowManager = site.WorkflowManager;
 70            WriteLocked = site.WriteLocked;
 71            Zone = site.Zone;
 73        }
 75        /// <summary>
 76        /// Returns a newly created instance of the object on the first access.  Subsequent accesses will utilize an internal member variable.
 77        /// The caller is responsible for disposing of the returned object.
 78        /// </summary>
 79        /// <value>The SP base.</value>
 80        public IDisposable SPBase
 81        {
 82            get
 83            {
 84                if (m_Site == null)
 85                    m_Site = new SPSite(ID);
 87                return m_Site;
 88            }
 89        }
 91        /// <summary>
 92        /// Returns a newly created instance of the object every time without storing an internal member variable for subsequent access.
 93        /// The caller is responsible for disposing of the returned object.
 94        /// </summary>
 95        /// <returns></returns>
 96        public IDisposable GetSPObject()
 97        {
 98            return new SPSite(ID);
 99        }
101        public bool AllowRssFeeds { get; internal set; }
102        public bool AllowUnsafeUpdates { get; internal set; }
103        public List<SPWebInfo> AllWebs
104        {
105            get
106            {
107                if (m_AllWebs != null)
108                    return m_AllWebs;
110                m_AllWebs = new List<SPWebInfo>();
111                using (SPSite site = new SPSite(ID))
112                {
113                    foreach (SPWeb web in site.AllWebs)
114                    {
115                        try
116                        {
117                            m_AllWebs.Add(new SPWebInfo(web));
118                        }
119                        finally
120                        {
121                            web.Dispose();
122                        }
123                    }
124                }
125                return m_AllWebs;
126            }
127        }
128        public SPBasePermissions ApplicationRightsMask { get; internal set; }
129        public SPAudit Audit { get; internal set; }
130        public bool CatchAccessDeniedException { get; internal set; }
131        public DateTime CertificationDate { get; internal set; }
132        public SPContentDatabase ContentDatabase { get; internal set; }
133        public SPChangeToken CurrentChangeToken { get; internal set; }
134        public short DeadWebNotificationCount { get; internal set; }
135        public SPExternalBinaryIdCollection ExternalBinaryIds { get; internal set; }
136        public SPFeatureCollection Features { get; internal set; }
137        public bool HostHeaderIsSiteName { get; internal set; }
138        public string HostName { get; internal set; }
139        public Guid ID { get; internal set; }
140        public bool IISAllowsAnonymous { get; internal set; }
141        public bool Impersonating { get; internal set; }
142        public bool IsPaired { get; internal set; }
143        public DateTime LastContentModifiedDate { get; internal set; }
144        public DateTime LastSecurityModifiedDate { get; internal set; }
145        public string LockIssue { get; internal set; }
146        public SPUser Owner { get; internal set; }
147        public int Port { get; internal set; }
148        public string PortalName { get; internal set; }
149        public string PortalUrl { get; internal set; }
150        public string Protocol { get; internal set; }
151        public SPQuota Quota { get; internal set; }
152        public bool ReadLocked { get; internal set; }
153        public bool ReadOnly { get; internal set; }
154        public SPRecycleBinItemCollection RecycleBin { get; internal set; }
155        public SPWebInfo RootWeb { get; internal set; }
156        public SPServiceInstance SearchServiceInstance { get; internal set; }
157        public SPUser SecondaryContact { get; internal set; }
158        public string ServerRelativeUrl { get; internal set; }
159        public bool SyndicationEnabled { get; internal set; }
160        public SPUser SystemAccount { get; internal set; }
161        public Uri UpgradeRedirectUri { get; internal set; }
162        public string Url { get; internal set; }
163        public SPSite.UsageInfo Usage { get; internal set; }
164        public string UserAccountDirectoryPath { get; internal set; }
165        public SPUserToken UserToken { get; internal set; }
166        public bool WarningNotificationSent { get; internal set; }
167        public SPWebApplication WebApplication { get; internal set; }
168        //public SPWorkflowManager WorkflowManager { get; internal set; }
169        public bool WriteLocked { get; internal set; }
170        public SPUrlZone Zone { get; internal set; }
172    }

The following is the code of the core Get-SPSite cmdlet:

 1using System;
 2using System.Collections.Generic;
 3using System.Management.Automation;
 4using Lapointe.SharePoint.PowerShell.Commands.OperationHelpers;
 5using Lapointe.SharePoint.PowerShell.Commands.Validators;
 6using Microsoft.SharePoint;
 7using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration;
 8using Lapointe.SharePoint.PowerShell.Commands.Proxies;
10namespace Lapointe.SharePoint.PowerShell.Commands.SiteCollections
12    [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, "SPSite", SupportsShouldProcess=true, DefaultParameterSetName = "Url")]
13    public class GetSPSiteCommand : PSCmdletBase
14    {
15        /// <summary>
16        /// Gets or sets the URL.
17        /// </summary>
18        /// <value>The URL.</value>
19        [Parameter(
20            ParameterSetName = "Url",
21            Mandatory = true,
22            Position = 0,
23            ValueFromPipeline = true,
24            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true,
25            HelpMessage = "The URL of the site to return.  Supports wildcards.")]
26        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty]
27        [ValidateUrl(true)]
28        public string[] Url { get; set; }
31        /// <summary>
32        /// Processes the record.
33        /// </summary>
34        protected override void ProcessRecordEx()
35        {
36            foreach (string url in Url)
37            {
38                if (!WildcardPattern.ContainsWildcardCharacters(url))
39                {
40                    string siteUrl = url.TrimEnd('/');
41                    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteUrl))
42                    {
43                        WriteObject(new SPSiteInfo(site));
44                    }
45                }
46                else
47                {
48                    WildcardPattern wildCard = new WildcardPattern(url, WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);
49                    if (SPFarm.Local == null)
50                        throw new SPException("The SPFarm object is null.  Make sure you are running as a Farm Administrator.");
52                    foreach (SPService svc in SPFarm.Local.Services)
53                    {
54                        if (!(svc is SPWebService))
55                            continue;
57                        foreach (SPWebApplication webApp in ((SPWebService)svc).WebApplications)
58                        {
59                            for (int i = 0; i < webApp.Sites.Count; i++)
60                            {
61                                using (SPSite site = webApp.Sites[i])
62                                {
63                                    if (wildCard.IsMatch(site.Url))
64                                        WriteObject(new SPSiteInfo(site));
65                                }
66                            }
67                        }
68                    }
69                }
70            }
71        }
72    }

The following is the full help for the cmdlet.

PS C:\> get-help get-spsite -full


    Gets one or more SPSiteInfo objects representing a SharePoint 2007 Site Collection.

    Get-SPSite [-Url] <String[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

    Pass in a comma separated list of URLs or a string array of URLs to obtain a collection of SPSiteInfo objects.  The
    se objects do not need to be disposed.

    The SPSiteInfo object that is returned contains almost all of the same properties of the SPSite object but does not
     require disposal and should be generally considered read-only.  You can get to the actual SPSite object by using t
    he SPBase property or the GetSPObject() method.  The SPBase property results in a copy of the SPSite object being p
    ersisted in the SPSiteInfo object for faster access on future calls.  Always remember to dispose of the SPSite obje
    ct if used.  Some collection properties may be directly updated without the need to access the SPSite object.

    Copyright 2008 Gary Lapointe
      > For more information on these PowerShell cmdlets:
      > Use of these cmdlets is at your own risk.
      > Gary Lapointe assumes no liability.

    -Url <String[]>
        Specifies the URL of the site collection(s) to retrieve. Wildcards are permitted. If you specify multiple URLs,
         use commas to separate the URLs.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    1
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters?  false

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?       false
        Accept wildcard characters?  false

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?       false
        Accept wildcard characters?  false

        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug,
        -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, and -OutVariable. For more information,
        type, "get-help about_commonparameters".


    Collection of SPSiteInfo objects.

        For more information, type "Get-Help Get-SPSite -detailed". For technical information, type "Get-Help Get-SP
        Site -full".

    --------------  Example 1 --------------

    C:\PS>get-spsite -url http://portal

    This example returns back a single SPSiteInfo object.

    --------------  EXAMPLE 2 --------------

    C:\PS>$sites = get-spsite -url http://mysites/*

    This example returns back all My Site site collections under the http://mysites web application.


Note that if you receive an exception during the execution of this cmdlet simply pass in the -debug parameter in order to display the full stack trace which you can use to either debug yourself or report back to here to help me improve the code.

And finally – if you’ve used this cmdlet (or any others that I’ve provided) to do something cool please post your code here as a comment so that others may benefit and possibly give back some feedback that you yourself could use.