I know, I know, I’m way behind on documenting my PowerShell cmdlets – I will be striving to get them done as soon as possible. I’ve already documented one of them, the Get-SPSite cmdlet, and I will now continue with the Get-SPWeb cmdlet. Hopefully I’ll be able to wrap up the others much quicker as they are a lot simpler – then I can finally start building new ones 🙂

Like the Get-SPSite cmdlet the Get-SPWeb cmdlet addresses some common issues found with working with SPWeb objects. For additional details about the disposal problem when working with many common SharePoint objects via PowerShell see the post about the Get-SPSite cmdlet. For those that aren’t familiar with the SPWeb object (Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb), it’s the equivalent programmatic element for working with sites within site collections.

First lets look at the SPWebInfo object and some its uses, the Get-SPWeb cmdlet is extremely simple so I’ll save it for last. Consider the following code snippet:

2$site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite("http://portal")
3foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs) {
4    Write-Host $web.Url

The above code results in a memory leak. If you don’t re-loop through each SPWeb object in the collection and dispose of the object by calling the Dispose() method you will end up with unmanaged resources left in memory that could eventually cause issues if you do a lot of processing like this (eventually the GC will dispose of the objects but that could take quite some time). The same issue is true for the SPSite object.

Another option would be to use a different approach to get all the SPWeb objects within a site collection, an approach that can be used for more dynamic querying of objects and returns back an object that would not require disposal – an SPWebInfo object. Here’s an example of how you could do something similar to the above using my Get-SPSite cmdlet and the AllWebs property that the SPSiteInfo object exposes:

1$site = Get-SPSite("http://portal")
2foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs) {
3    Write-Host $web.Url

The above code still uses the AllWebs property but in this case it’s part of my SPSiteInfo object so rather than exposing a collection of SPWeb objects it returns a collection of SPWebInfo objects. As a result you no longer need to dispose of the objects returned.

The one obvious downside of this approach is that when you access the property I have to loop through all the webs internally and copy their data to my custom object before I can return back to the calling application. Typically though, we’re more concerned about flexibility and ease of use rather than performance when performing the simple administrative tasks that we’d be looking to perform using PowerShell.

What I like about the approach I put together is that I can now do filtered queries without having to worry about whether or not I disposed of the objects. Here’s an example of how to find all the webs that use a specific site template (in this case “STS”):

1$site = Get-SPSite("http://portal")
2$webs = $site.AllWebs | where -FilterScript {$_.WebTemplate -eq "STS"}
3foreach ($web in $webs) {
4    Write-Host $web.Url

Or I can simply get a specific SPWebInfo (and therefore the SPWeb) object by calling the Get-SPWeb cmdlet directly (I don’t currently support wildcards so this is only helpful for getting a specific web instance):

1$web = Get-SPWeb "http://devthekey"
2Write-Host $web.WebTemplate

It’s important to remember that the SPWebInfo object is meant to be read-only as most of the properties are just copies of the variables but there are some exceptions such as the SPListCollection object returned by the Lists property or the SPRecycleBinItemCollection object returned by the RecycleBin property. In general, if you have to call the Update() method of the SPWeb object to save your changes then you have to use the actual SPWeb object, otherwise you can work directly with the SPWebInfo object and forego the need to instantiate and dispose of the SPWeb object.

What about when you do need to access the actual SPWeb object? There are two approaches for this: the first is to use the SPBase property which will create a new SPWeb instance and store that instance as a private member variable for future access to the property thus avoiding the overhead of creating another instance on subsequent calls; the second is to use the GetSPObject() method which creates a new instance of the SPWeb object but does not store a copy so it’s a nice easy way to get an entirely new instance of the actual SPWeb object (useful for when you’ve made a change which requires a reload due to caching). In both cases you are responsible for disposing of the returned object.

The following code snippet shows the SPWebInfo class:

  1using System;
  2using System.Collections;
  3using System.Collections.Generic;
  4using System.Globalization;
  5using System.Linq;
  6using System.Text;
  7using System.Web.Configuration;
  8using Microsoft.SharePoint;
  9using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration;
 10using Microsoft.SharePoint.Navigation;
 11using Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities;
 12using Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow;
 14namespace Lapointe.SharePoint.PowerShell.Commands.Proxies
 16    public class SPWebInfo : ISPInfo
 17    {
 18        private SPSite m_Site;
 19        private SPWeb m_Web;
 20        private List<SPWebInfo> m_Webs;
 21        private Guid m_FirstUniqueAncestorWeb;
 22        private Guid m_FirstUniqueRoleDefinitionWeb;
 23        private SPListCollection m_Lists;
 24        private SPListTemplateCollection m_ListTemplates;
 25        private SPFeatureCollection m_Features;
 27        internal SPWebInfo(SPWeb web)
 28        {
 29            ID = web.ID;
 30            Alerts = web.Alerts;
 31            AllowAnonymousAccess = web.AllowAnonymousAccess;
 32            AllowAutomaticASPXPageIndexing = web.AllowAutomaticASPXPageIndexing;
 33            AllowRssFeeds = web.AllowRssFeeds;
 34            AllowUnsafeUpdates = web.AllowUnsafeUpdates;
 35            AllProperties = web.AllProperties;
 36            AllRolesForCurrentUser = web.AllRolesForCurrentUser;
 37            AllUsers = web.AllUsers;
 38            AllWebTemplatesAllowed = web.AllWebTemplatesAllowed;
 39            AlternateCssUrl = web.AlternateCssUrl;
 40            AlternateHeader = web.AlternateHeader;
 41            AnonymousPermMask64 = web.AnonymousPermMask64;
 42            AnonymousState = web.AnonymousState;
 43            ASPXPageIndexed = web.ASPXPageIndexed;
 44            ASPXPageIndexMode = web.ASPXPageIndexMode;
 45            AssociatedGroups = web.AssociatedGroups;
 46            AssociatedMemberGroup = web.AssociatedMemberGroup;
 47            AssociatedOwnerGroup = web.AssociatedOwnerGroup;
 48            AssociatedVisitorGroup = web.AssociatedVisitorGroup;
 49            Audit = web.Audit;
 50            AuthenticationMode = web.AuthenticationMode;
 51            Author = web.Author;
 52            AvailableContentTypes = web.AvailableContentTypes;
 53            AvailableFields = web.AvailableFields;
 54            CacheAllSchema = web.CacheAllSchema;
 55            Configuration = web.Configuration;
 56            ContentTypes = web.ContentTypes;
 57            Created = web.Created;
 58            CurrencyLocaleID = web.CurrencyLocaleID;
 59            CurrentChangeToken = web.CurrentChangeToken;
 60            CurrentUser = web.CurrentUser;
 61            CustomMasterUrl = web.CustomMasterUrl;
 62            DataRetrievalServicesSettings = web.DataRetrievalServicesSettings;
 63            Description = web.Description;
 64            try
 65            {
 66                DocTemplates = web.DocTemplates;
 67            }
 68            catch (SPException) {}
 69            EffectiveBasePermissions = web.EffectiveBasePermissions;
 70            EffectivePresenceEnabled = web.EffectivePresenceEnabled;
 71            EventHandlersEnabled = web.EventHandlersEnabled;
 72            EventReceivers = web.EventReceivers;
 73            ExecuteUrl = web.ExecuteUrl;
 74            Exists = web.Exists;
 75            ExternalSecurityProviderSetting = web.ExternalSecurityProviderSetting;
 76            Fields = web.Fields;
 77            FieldTypeDefinitionCollection = web.FieldTypeDefinitionCollection;
 78            Files = web.Files;
 79            //FirstUniqueAncestor = web.FirstUniqueAncestor;
 80            Folders = web.Folders;
 81            Groups = web.Groups;
 82            HasExternalSecurityProvider = web.HasExternalSecurityProvider;
 83            HasUniqueRoleAssignments = web.HasUniqueRoleAssignments;
 84            HasUniqueRoleDefinitions = web.HasUniqueRoleDefinitions;
 85            IncludeSupportingFolders = web.IncludeSupportingFolders;
 86            IsADAccountCreationMode = web.IsADAccountCreationMode;
 87            IsADEmailEnabled = web.IsADEmailEnabled;
 88            IsRootWeb = web.IsRootWeb;
 89            Language = web.Language;
 90            LastItemModifiedDate = web.LastItemModifiedDate;
 91            Locale = web.Locale;
 92            MasterUrl = web.MasterUrl;
 93            Modules = web.Modules;
 94            Name = web.Name;
 95            Navigation = web.Navigation;
 96            NoCrawl = web.NoCrawl;
 97            //SPWeb ParentWeb = web;
 98            ParentWebId = web.ParentWebId;
 99            ParserEnabled = web.ParserEnabled;
100            PortalMember = web.PortalMember;
101            PortalName = web.PortalName;
102            PortalSubscriptionUrl = web.PortalSubscriptionUrl;
103            PortalUrl = web.PortalUrl;
104            PresenceEnabled = web.PresenceEnabled;
105            Properties = web.Properties;
106            Provisioned = web.Provisioned;
107            PublicFolderRootUrl = web.PublicFolderRootUrl;
108            QuickLaunchEnabled = web.QuickLaunchEnabled;
109            RecycleBin = web.RecycleBin;
110            RegionalSettings = web.RegionalSettings;
111            RequestAccessEmail = web.RequestAccessEmail;
112            RequestAccessEnabled = web.RequestAccessEnabled;
113            ReusableAcl = web.ReusableAcl;
114            RoleAssignments = web.RoleAssignments;
115            RoleDefinitions = web.RoleDefinitions;
116            RootFolder = web.RootFolder;
117            ServerRelativeUrl = web.ServerRelativeUrl;
118            Site = web.Site.ID;
119            SiteAdministrators = web.SiteAdministrators;
120            SiteGroups = web.SiteGroups;
121            SiteLogoDescription = web.SiteLogoDescription;
122            SiteLogoUrl = web.SiteLogoUrl;
123            SiteUserInfoList = web.SiteUserInfoList;
124            SiteUsers = web.SiteUsers;
125            SyndicationEnabled = web.SyndicationEnabled;
126            Theme = web.Theme;
127            ThemeCssUrl = web.ThemeCssUrl;
128            Title = web.Title;
129            TreeViewEnabled = web.TreeViewEnabled;
130            Url = web.Url;
131            UserIsSiteAdmin = web.UserIsSiteAdmin;
132            UserIsWebAdmin = web.UserIsWebAdmin;
133            Users = web.Users;
134            ViewStyles = web.ViewStyles;
135            //SPWebCollection Webs = web;
136            WebTemplate = web.WebTemplate;
137            WebTemplateId = web.WebTemplateId;
138            WorkflowTemplates = web.WorkflowTemplates;
139        }
141        /// <summary>
142        /// Returns a newly created instance of the object on the first access.  Subsequent accesses will utilize an internal member variable.
143        /// The caller is responsible for disposing of the returned SPWeb object and it's parent SPSite object (web.Site.Dispose()).
144        /// </summary>
145        /// <value>The SP base.</value>
146        public IDisposable SPBase
147        {
148            get
149            {
150                if (m_Web == null)
151                {
152                    if (m_Site == null)
153                        m_Site = new SPSite(Site);
155                    m_Web = m_Site.OpenWeb(ID);
156                }
157                return m_Web;
158            }
159        }
161        /// <summary>
162        /// Returns a newly created instance of the object every time without storing an internal member variable for subsequent access.
163        /// The caller is responsible for disposing of the returned SPWeb object and it's parent SPSite object (web.Site.Dispose()).
164        /// </summary>
165        /// <returns></returns>
166        public IDisposable GetSPObject()
167        {
168            return new SPSite(Site).OpenWeb(ID);
169        }
171        public SPAlertCollection Alerts { get; internal set; }
172        public bool AllowAnonymousAccess { get; internal set; }
173        public bool AllowAutomaticASPXPageIndexing { get; internal set; }
174        public bool AllowRssFeeds { get; internal set; }
175        public bool AllowUnsafeUpdates { get; internal set; }
176        public Hashtable AllProperties { get; internal set; }
177        public SPRoleDefinitionBindingCollection AllRolesForCurrentUser { get; internal set; }
178        public SPUserCollection AllUsers { get; internal set; }
179        public bool AllWebTemplatesAllowed { get; internal set; }
180        public string AlternateCssUrl { get; internal set; }
181        public string AlternateHeader { get; internal set; }
182        public SPBasePermissions AnonymousPermMask64 { get; internal set; }
183        public SPWeb.WebAnonymousState AnonymousState { get; internal set; }
184        public bool ASPXPageIndexed { get; internal set; }
185        public WebASPXPageIndexMode ASPXPageIndexMode { get; internal set; }
186        public IList<SPGroup> AssociatedGroups { get; internal set; }
187        public SPGroup AssociatedMemberGroup { get; internal set; }
188        public SPGroup AssociatedOwnerGroup { get; internal set; }
189        public SPGroup AssociatedVisitorGroup { get; internal set; }
190        public SPAudit Audit { get; internal set; }
191        public AuthenticationMode AuthenticationMode { get; internal set; }
192        public SPUser Author { get; internal set; }
193        public SPContentTypeCollection AvailableContentTypes { get; internal set; }
194        public SPFieldCollection AvailableFields { get; internal set; }
195        public bool CacheAllSchema { get; internal set; }
196        public short Configuration { get; internal set; }
197        public SPContentTypeCollection ContentTypes { get; internal set; }
198        public DateTime Created { get; internal set; }
199        public int CurrencyLocaleID { get; internal set; }
200        public SPChangeToken CurrentChangeToken { get; internal set; }
201        public SPUser CurrentUser { get; internal set; }
202        public string CustomMasterUrl { get; internal set; }
203        public SPDataRetrievalServicesSettings DataRetrievalServicesSettings { get; internal set; }
204        public string Description { get; internal set; }
205        public SPDocTemplateCollection DocTemplates { get; internal set; }
206        public SPBasePermissions EffectiveBasePermissions { get; internal set; }
207        public bool EffectivePresenceEnabled { get; internal set; }
208        public bool EventHandlersEnabled { get; internal set; }
209        public SPEventReceiverDefinitionCollection EventReceivers { get; internal set; }
210        public string ExecuteUrl { get; internal set; }
211        public bool Exists { get; internal set; }
212        public string ExternalSecurityProviderSetting { get; internal set; }
213        public SPFeatureCollection Features
214        {
215            get
216            {
217                if (m_Features != null)
218                    return m_Features;
220                using (SPSite site = new SPSite(Site))
221                using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(ID))
222                {
223                    m_Features = web.Features;
224                }
225                return m_Features;
227            }
228        }
229        public SPFieldCollection Fields { get; internal set; }
230        public SPFieldTypeDefinitionCollection FieldTypeDefinitionCollection { get; internal set; }
231        public SPFileCollection Files { get; internal set; }
232        public Guid FirstUniqueAncestorWeb
233        {
234            get
235            {
236                if (m_FirstUniqueAncestorWeb != Guid.Empty)
237                    return m_FirstUniqueAncestorWeb;
239                using (SPSite site = new SPSite(Site))
240                using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(ID))
241                using (SPWeb ancestor = web.FirstUniqueAncestorWeb)
242                {
243                    m_FirstUniqueAncestorWeb = ancestor.ID;
244                }
245                return m_FirstUniqueAncestorWeb;
247            }
248        }
249        public Guid FirstUniqueRoleDefinitionWeb
250        {
251            get
252            {
253                if (m_FirstUniqueRoleDefinitionWeb != Guid.Empty)
254                    return m_FirstUniqueRoleDefinitionWeb;
256                using (SPSite site = new SPSite(Site))
257                using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(ID))
258                using (SPWeb ancestor = web.FirstUniqueRoleDefinitionWeb)
259                {
260                    m_FirstUniqueRoleDefinitionWeb = ancestor.ID;
261                }
262                return m_FirstUniqueRoleDefinitionWeb;
264            }
265        }
266        public SPFolderCollection Folders { get; internal set; }
267        public SPGroupCollection Groups { get; internal set; }
268        public bool HasExternalSecurityProvider { get; internal set; }
269        public bool HasUniqueRoleAssignments { get; internal set; }
270        public bool HasUniqueRoleDefinitions { get; internal set; }
271        public Guid ID { get; internal set; }
272        public bool IncludeSupportingFolders { get; internal set; }
273        public bool IsADAccountCreationMode { get; internal set; }
274        public bool IsADEmailEnabled { get; internal set; }
275        public bool IsRootWeb { get; internal set; }
276        public uint Language { get; internal set; }
277        public DateTime LastItemModifiedDate { get; internal set; }
278        public SPListCollection Lists
279        {
280            get
281            {
282                if (m_Lists != null)
283                    return m_Lists;
285                using (SPSite site = new SPSite(Site))
286                using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(ID))
287                {
288                    m_Lists = web.Lists;
289                }
290                return m_Lists;
292            }
293        }
294        public SPListTemplateCollection ListTemplates
295        {
296            get
297            {
298                if (m_ListTemplates != null)
299                    return m_ListTemplates;
301                using (SPSite site = new SPSite(Site))
302                using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(ID))
303                {
304                    m_ListTemplates = web.ListTemplates;
305                }
306                return m_ListTemplates;
308            }
309        }
310        public CultureInfo Locale { get; internal set; }
311        public string MasterUrl { get; internal set; }
312        public SPModuleCollection Modules { get; internal set; }
313        public string Name { get; internal set; }
314        public SPNavigation Navigation { get; internal set; }
315        public bool NoCrawl { get; internal set; }
316        public SPWeb ParentWeb { get; internal set; }
317        public Guid ParentWebId { get; internal set; }
318        public bool ParserEnabled { get; internal set; }
319        public bool PortalMember { get; internal set; }
320        public string PortalName { get; internal set; }
321        public string PortalSubscriptionUrl { get; internal set; }
322        public string PortalUrl { get; internal set; }
323        public bool PresenceEnabled { get; internal set; }
324        public SPPropertyBag Properties { get; internal set; }
325        public bool Provisioned { get; internal set; }
326        public string PublicFolderRootUrl { get; internal set; }
327        public bool QuickLaunchEnabled { get; internal set; }
328        public SPRecycleBinItemCollection RecycleBin { get; internal set; }
329        public SPRegionalSettings RegionalSettings { get; internal set; }
330        public string RequestAccessEmail { get; internal set; }
331        public bool RequestAccessEnabled { get; internal set; }
332        public SPReusableAcl ReusableAcl { get; internal set; }
333        public SPRoleAssignmentCollection RoleAssignments { get; internal set; }
334        public SPRoleDefinitionCollection RoleDefinitions { get; internal set; }
335        public SPFolder RootFolder { get; internal set; }
336        public string ServerRelativeUrl { get; internal set; }
337        public Guid Site { get; internal set; }
338        public SPUserCollection SiteAdministrators { get; internal set; }
339        public SPGroupCollection SiteGroups { get; internal set; }
340        public string SiteLogoDescription { get; internal set; }
341        public string SiteLogoUrl { get; internal set; }
342        public SPList SiteUserInfoList { get; internal set; }
343        public SPUserCollection SiteUsers { get; internal set; }
344        public bool SyndicationEnabled { get; internal set; }
345        public string Theme { get; internal set; }
346        public string ThemeCssUrl { get; internal set; }
347        public string Title { get; internal set; }
348        public bool TreeViewEnabled { get; internal set; }
349        public string Url { get; internal set; }
350        public bool UserIsSiteAdmin { get; internal set; }
351        public bool UserIsWebAdmin { get; internal set; }
352        public SPUserCollection Users { get; internal set; }
353        public SPViewStyleCollection ViewStyles { get; internal set; }
354        public List<SPWebInfo> Webs
355        {
356            get
357            {
358                if (m_Webs != null)
359                    return m_Webs;
361                m_Webs = new List<SPWebInfo>();
362                using (SPSite site = new SPSite(Site))
363                using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(ID))
364                {
365                    foreach (SPWeb subWeb in web.Webs)
366                    {
367                        try
368                        {
369                            m_Webs.Add(new SPWebInfo(subWeb));
370                        }
371                        finally
372                        {
373                            subWeb.Dispose();
374                        }
375                    }
376                }
377                return m_Webs;
379            }
380        }
381        public string WebTemplate { get; internal set; }
382        public int WebTemplateId { get; internal set; }
383        public SPWorkflowTemplateCollection WorkflowTemplates { get; internal set; }
384   }

The following is the code of the core Get-SPWeb cmdlet:

 1using System;
 2using System.Collections.Generic;
 3using System.Management.Automation;
 4using Lapointe.SharePoint.PowerShell.Commands.OperationHelpers;
 5using Lapointe.SharePoint.PowerShell.Commands.Proxies;
 6using Lapointe.SharePoint.PowerShell.Commands.Validators;
 7using Lapointe.SharePoint.STSADM.Commands.OperationHelpers;
 8using Microsoft.SharePoint;
10namespace Lapointe.SharePoint.PowerShell.Commands.Webs
12    [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, "SPWeb", SupportsShouldProcess=true, DefaultParameterSetName = "Url")]
13    public class GetSPWebCommand : PSCmdletBase
14    {
15        /// <summary>
16        /// Gets or sets the URL.
17        /// </summary>
18        /// <value>The URL.</value>
19        [Parameter(
20            ParameterSetName = "Url",
21            Mandatory = true,
22            Position = 0,
23            ValueFromPipeline = true,
24            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true,
25            HelpMessage = "The URL of the web to return")]
26        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty]
27        [ValidateUrl(false)]
28        public string[] Url { get; set; }
31        /// <summary>
32        /// Processes the record.
33        /// </summary>
34        protected override void ProcessRecordEx()
35        {
36            foreach (string url in Url)
37            {
38                string siteUrl = url.TrimEnd('/');
39                using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteUrl))
40                using (SPWeb web = site.AllWebs[Utilities.GetServerRelUrlFromFullUrl(siteUrl)])
41                {
42                    WriteObject(new SPWebInfo(web));
43                }
44            }
45        }
46    }

The following is the full help for the cmdlet.

PS C:\> get-help get-spweb -full


    Gets one or more SPWebInfo objects representing a SharePoint 2007 Web.

    Get-SPWeb [-Url] <String[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

    Pass in a comma separated list of URLs or a string array of URLs to obtain a collection of SPWebInfo objects.  Thes
    e objects do not need to be disposed.

    The SPWebInfo object that is returned contains almost all of the same properties of the SPWeb object but does not r
    equire disposal and should be generally considered read-only.  You can get to the actual SPWeb object by using the
    SPBase property or the GetSPObject() method.  The SPBase property results in a copy of the SPWeb object being persi
    sted in the SPWebInfo object for faster access on future calls.  Always remember to dispose of the SPWeb object if
    used. Some collection properties may be directly updated without the need to access the SPSite object.

    Copyright 2008 Gary Lapointe
      > For more information on these PowerShell cmdlets:
      > http://www.falchionconsulting.com/
      > Use of these cmdlets is at your own risk.
      > Gary Lapointe assumes no liability.

    -Url <String[]>
        Specifies the URL of the web(s) to retrieve. Wildcards are not permitted. If you specify multiple URLs, use com
        mas to separate the URLs.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    1
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters?  false

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?       false
        Accept wildcard characters?  false

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input?       false
        Accept wildcard characters?  false

        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug,
        -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, and -OutVariable. For more information,
        type, "get-help about_commonparameters".


    Collection of SPWebInfo objects.

        For more information, type "Get-Help Get-SPWeb -detailed". For technical information, type "Get-Help Get-SPW
        eb -full".

    --------------  EXAMPLE 1 --------------

    C:\PS>$web = get-spweb -url http://portal

    This example returns back a single SPWebInfo object.


Note that if you receive an exception during the execution of this cmdlet simply pass in the -debug parameter in order to display the full stack trace which you can use to either debug yourself or report back to here to help me improve the code.