In a recent post I detailed all the PowerShell changes from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 Public Preview (part 1, part 2) – well, apparently I should have held off a couple of weeks because I’m now running the RTM version of SharePoint 2013 and have found that they have made a ton more changes. I don’t want to go through all the 2010 to 2013 changes again so instead I’ll just detail what has changed since the Public Preview; these changes include new cmdlets, removed cmdlets, and renamed cmdlets. (Note that some of the removed and new cmdlets may actually just be renamed cmdlets – not worth the effort for to verify them all at this point).

Removed Cmdlets

  1. Add-SPSocialAppPermissions
  2. Copy-SPAccessServicesDatabase
  3. Get-SPTrustedSecurityTokenService
  4. New-SPTrustedSecurityTokenService
  5. Remove-SPSocialAppPermissions
  6. Remove-SPTrustedSecurityTokenService
  7. Repartition-SPEnterpriseSearchLinksDatabases
  8. Set-SPSecureStoreSystemAccounts
  9. Set-SPTrustedSecurityTokenService

New Cmdlets

  1. Add-SPSecureStoreSystemAccount
  2. Copy-SPAccessServicesDatabaseCredentials
  3. Move-SPEnterpriseSearchLinksDatabases
  4. New-SPOnlineApplicationPrincipalManagementServiceApplicationProxy
  5. Remove-SPSecureStoreSystemAccount
  6. Set-SPAppSiteDomain
  7. Set-SPEnterpriseSearchFileFormatState
  8. Update-SPDistributedCacheSize

Renamed Cmdlets

  1. Add-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstanceOnLocalServer => Add-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstance
  2. Clear-SPAppDeniedEndpoints => Clear-SPAppDeniedEndpointList
  3. Copy-LocalActivitiesToWorkflowService => Copy-SPActivitiesToWorkflowService
  4. Get-SPAppAcquisitionSettings => Get-SPAppAcquisitionConfiguration
  5. Get-SPAppDeniedEndpoints => Get-SPAppDeniedEndpointList
  6. Get-SPAppDisableSettings => Get-SPAppDisablingConfiguration
  7. Get-SPAppHostingQuotas => Get-SPAppHostingQuotaConfiguration
  8. Get-SPAppMarketplaceSettings => Get-SPAppStoreConfiguration
  9. Get-SPBingMapsBlockInAllLocales => Get-SPBingMapsBlock
  10. Get-SPSecureStoreSystemAccounts => Get-SPSecureStoreSystemAccount
  11. Get-TranslationThrottlingSettings => Get-SPTranslationThrottlingSetting
  12. Get-WorkflowServiceApplicationProxy => Get-SPWorkflowServiceApplicationProxy
  13. Move-SPSocialComments => Move-SPSocialComment
  14. New-WorkflowServiceApplicationProxy => New-SPWorkflowServiceApplicationProxy
  15. Remove-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstanceOnLocalServer => Remove-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstance
  16. Restart-SPAppInstanceJobs => Restart-SPAppInstanceJob
  17. Set-SPAppAcquisitionSettings => Set-SPAppAcquisitionConfiguration
  18. Set-SPAppDisableSettings => Set-SPAppDisablingConfiguration
  19. Set-SPAppHostingQuotas => Set-SPAppHostingQuotaConfiguration
  20. Set-SPAppMarketplaceSettings => Set-SPAppStoreConfiguration
  21. Set-SPBingMapsBlockInAllLocales => Set-SPBingMapsBlock
  22. Set-TranslationThrottlingSettings => Set-SPTranslationThrottlingSetting
  23. Stop-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstanceGracefullyOnLocalServer => Stop-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstance
  24. Update-SPAppCatalogSettings => Update-SPAppCatalogConfiguration

Changed Cmdlets


  1. Added the following new parameter set: Backup-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplicationIndex -Abort [-SearchApplication] <SearchServiceApplication> [-BackupHandleFile] <string> [[-Retries] <int>]


  1. The [-Force <bool>] parameter was added.


  1. The [[-AccessAppsOnly] <bool>] parameter was added.


  1. The -Identity parameter was renamed to -SiteSubscription.


  1. The [-OwnerAlias] parameter was removed.
  2. The [-MySiteHost] <SPSitePipeBind> parameter was added.
  3. The [-SearchCenter] <SPSitePipeBind> parameter was added.


  1. The [-AddToLatestVersion] switch parameter was changed to [-CompatibilityLevel <string>].


  1. The [-AddToLatestVersion] switch parameter was changed to [-CompatibilityLevel <string>] for all parameter sets.


  1. The [-RecoveryPointObjective <int>] parameter was added to all parameter sets.


  1. The [-SafeForAnonymous <bool>] parameter was added.


  1. The [-DocType <string>] parameter was removed.
  2. The [-Extension <string>] parameter was added.
  3. The [-ProgId <string>] parameter was added.
  4. The [-WOPIAction <string>] parameter was renamed to [-Action <string>].
  5. The [-WOPIBinding <SPWopiBindingPipeBind>] parameter set was removed.


  1. The [-Force] switch parameter was added.


  1. The [-DocType <string>] parameter was removed.
  2. The [-Extension <string>] parameter was added.
  3. The [-ProgId <string>] parameter was added.
  4. The [-WOPIAction <string>] parameter was renamed to [-Action <string>].
  5. A new parameter set accepting only the [-Identity <string>] parameter was added.


  1. The [-RecoveryPointObjective <int>] parameter was added.


  1. The -Identity <SPSiteSubscriptionPipeBind> parameter was renamed to -SiteSubscription <SPSiteSubscriptionPipeBind>.


  1. The [-SafeForAnonymous <bool>] parameter was added.


  1. The [-MachineTranslationCategory <string>] parameter was added.


  1. The [-NumberOfExchangeJobsPerServer <uint32>] parameter was removed.
  2. The [-MinimumTimeBetweenEwsSyncSubscriptionSearches <timespan>] parameter was added.
  3. The [-NumberOfUsersPerEwsSyncBatch <uint32>] parameter was added.
  4. The [-NumberOfUsersEwsSyncWillProcessAtOnce <uint32>] parameter was added.
  5. The [-NumberOfSubscriptionSyncsPerEwsSyncRun <uint32>] parameter was added.


  1. The [-Graceful] parameter was added.


  1. The [-CompatibilityLevel <string>] parameter was added to all parameter sets.


  1. The [-CompatibilityLevel <string>] parameter was added.


  1. The [-SiteUrl <string>] parameter was added.
  2. The -AccountName <string> parameter is now optional.


  1. The [-SiteSubscription <SPSiteSubscriptionPipeBind>] parameter was removed.