UPDATE 10/25/2012:SharePoint 2013 PowerShell Cmdlets: Changes from Public Preview to RTM for additional changes with SharePoint 2013 RTM.

In this first of two articles I will be identifying the cmdlets that have been removed in SharePoint 2013 Public Preview as well as all the new cmdlets that have been added. In my follow-up article I will identify all the cmdlets which have been changed (a much more tedious exercise).

Note: To compile this list I used SharePoint 2010 SP1 with no Cumulative Updates (CU) so it is possible that some of the changes identified are actually available in SharePoint 2010 via a CU. Also, this article is based on the Public Preview of SharePoint 2013 released in July 2012 – it is entirely possible and expected that much of this will change with the RTM version.

Removed Cmdlets

I think that one of the more interesting changes with SharePoint 2013 Public Preview is not so much the number of new cmdlets that were added (which is significant) but rather the number of cmdlets that existed in SharePoint 2010 and have been removed in the SharePoint 2013 Public Preview, specifically in terms of Enterprise Search which has had 32 (that’s right, 32!) cmdlets removed.

The search architecture in SharePoint 2013 Public Preview has changed significantly and is now much easier to configure using PowerShell (though there are still many gaps and issues with the current version – such as the inability to set database names for several components). Because of the architectural changes most of the cmdlets that were removed pertain to the actual topology:

  1. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlTopology
  2. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchExtendedClickThroughExtractorJobDefinition
  3. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchExtendedConnectorProperty
  4. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchExtendedQueryProperty
  5. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchIndexPartition
  6. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchPropertyDatabase
  7. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryComponent
  8. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryTopology
  9. Get-SPSearchService
  10. Get-SPSearchServiceInstance
  11. New-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlTopology
  12. New-SPEnterpriseSearchExtendedConnectorProperty
  13. New-SPEnterpriseSearchPropertyDatabase
  14. New-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryComponent
  15. New-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryTopology
  16. Ping-SPEnterpriseSearchContentService
  17. Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlComponent
  18. Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlTopology
  19. Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchExtendedConnectorProperty
  20. Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchPropertyDatabase
  21. Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryComponent
  22. Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryTopology
  23. Restart-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryComponent
  24. Set-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlTopology
  25. Set-SPEnterpriseSearchExtendedConnectorProperty
  26. Set-SPEnterpriseSearchExtendedQueryProperty
  27. Set-SPEnterpriseSearchIndexPartition
  28. Set-SPEnterpriseSearchPropertyDatabase
  29. Set-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryComponent
  30. Set-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryTopology
  31. Set-SPSearchService
  32. Set-SPSearchServiceInstance

Performance Point

There was only one cmdlet removed for PerformancePoint and though I can understand the reasoning for it this one rather annoyed me. My issue with the removal of this cmdlet was when it comes to being able to automate the configuration of PowerPoint or to crawl an existing configuration. Without this cmdlet I can no longer see how the unattended service account for the service application is configured which makes an automated installation difficult as you don’t want to create or set something that is already set (and of course it makes the crawl of an existing installation for documentation purposes impossible).

  1. Get-SPPerformancePointSecureDataValues

Web Analytics

The Web Analytics service application has been removed and is not a component of the search service. You can see more information about what this change means by looking at the Web Analytics section of this technet article: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff607742(v=office.15).aspx. And of course, with the removal of the service we now no longer have the associated cmdlets.

  1. Get-SPWebAnalyticsServiceApplication
  2. Get-SPWebAnalyticsServiceApplicationProxy
  3. New-SPWebAnalyticsServiceApplication
  4. New-SPWebAnalyticsServiceApplicationProxy
  5. Set-SPWebAnalyticsServiceApplication
  6. Set-SPWebAnalyticsServiceApplicationProxy

Web Templates

This one actually took me by surprise as I hadn’t heard that we wouldn’t be able to install templates in this way anymore. I can honestly say that I’ve never actually used these cmdlets in SharePoint 2010 as I do all my template deployments using SharePoint Solution Packages (WSPs), something I’ve always recommended as a best practice.

  1. Install-SPWebTemplate
  2. Set-SPWebTemplate
  3. Uninstall-SPWebTemplate

New Cmdlets

I was definitely surprised by the number of cmdlets that were removed but I was totally taken aback by the number of cmdlets added: 299! (Ugh, and some of them conflict in name with the custom ones that I’ve created!). When you skim through the list of cmdlets note that some of the Microsoft developers didn’t seem to get the memo that all SharePoint cmdlet nouns start with “SP” – sloppy, very sloppy.

I’m not going to bother describing each of these cmdlets as many are likely to change. To get more information about them see the Windows PowerShell for SharePoint 2013 technet article: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee890108(v=office.15).aspx


There’s a lot of great documentation coming out about SharePoint 2013 Public Preview but what appears to be noticeably missing (at least to me) is the documentation for all of the new education related features that come with this version. I have a particular interest in these features as I’ve done a significant amount of work with local school districts here in Colorado so, needless to say, I intend to create some documentation on this blog for these cmdlets in the near future.

  1. Add-SPEduClassMember
  2. Add-SPEduUser
  3. Get-SPEduServiceSetting
  4. Install-SPEduSites
  5. New-SPEduClass
  6. Remove-SPEduClassMember
  7. Set-SPEduServiceSetting

SharePoint Apps

Everyone is talking about the new SharePoint 2013 Application model – personally, I’m not sold on it but hey, it’s the new flavor of the month and comes with 46 new cmdlets to learn.

  1. Add-SPAppDeniedEndpoint
  2. Clear-SPAppDeniedEndpoints
  3. Disable-SPAppAutoProvision
  4. Enable-SPAppAutoProvision
  5. Export-SPAppPackage
  6. Get-SPAppAcquisitionSettings
  7. Get-SPAppAutoProvisionConnection
  8. Get-SPAppDeniedEndpoints
  9. Get-SPAppDisableSettings
  10. Get-SPAppDomain
  11. Get-SPAppHostingQuotas
  12. Get-SPAppInstance
  13. Get-SPAppMarketplaceSettings
  14. Get-SPAppPrincipal
  15. Get-SPAppScaleProfile
  16. Get-SPAppSiteSubscriptionName
  17. Get-SPAppStateSyncLastRunTime
  18. Get-SPAppStateUpdateInterval
  19. Import-SPAppPackage
  20. Install-SPApp
  21. New-SPAppManagementServiceApplication
  22. New-SPAppManagementServiceApplicationProxy
  23. Register-SPAppPrincipal
  24. Remove-SPAppDeniedEndpoint
  25. Remove-SPAppPrincipalPermission
  26. Restart-SPAppInstanceJobs
  27. Set-SPAppAcquisitionSettings
  28. Set-SPAppAutoProvisionConnection
  29. Set-SPAppDisableSettings
  30. Set-SPAppDomain
  31. Set-SPAppHostingQuotas
  32. Set-SPAppManagementDeploymentId
  33. Set-SPAppMarketplaceSettings
  34. Set-SPAppPrincipalPermission
  35. Set-SPAppScaleProfile
  36. Set-SPAppSiteSubscriptionName
  37. Set-SPAppStateUpdateInterval
  38. Uninstall-SPAppInstance
  39. Update-SPAppCatalogSettings
  40. Update-SPAppInstance
  41. Get-SPInternalAppStateSyncLastRunTime
  42. Get-SPInternalAppStateUpdateInterval
  43. Set-SPInternalAppStateUpdateInterval
  44. Get-SPOfficeStoreAppsDefaultActivation
  45. Set-SPOfficeStoreAppsDefaultActivation
  46. New-SPMarketplaceWebServiceApplicationProxy


Okay, so we removed 32 cmdlets and added back 50 – but trust me, provisioning search using PowerShell is considerably easier now. Most of these cmdlets are all about configuring it after you’ve provisioned it and that’s something that is definitely a net positive in my eyes.

  1. Backup-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplicationIndex
  2. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchContentEnrichmentConfiguration
  3. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlLogReadPermission
  4. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchFileFormat
  5. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchHostController
  6. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchLinguisticComponentsStatus
  7. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchLinksDatabase
  8. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchOwner
  9. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchPropertyRule
  10. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchPropertyRuleCollection
  11. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchQuerySpellingCorrection
  12. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchResultItemType
  13. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplicationBackupStore
  14. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchStatus
  15. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchTopology
  16. Get-SPEnterpriseSearchVssDataPath
  17. Import-SPEnterpriseSearchCustomExtractionDictionary
  18. Import-SPEnterpriseSearchPopularQueries
  19. Import-SPEnterpriseSearchThesaurus
  20. New-SPEnterpriseSearchAdminComponent
  21. New-SPEnterpriseSearchAnalyticsProcessingComponent
  22. New-SPEnterpriseSearchContentEnrichmentConfiguration
  23. New-SPEnterpriseSearchContentProcessingComponent
  24. New-SPEnterpriseSearchFileFormat
  25. New-SPEnterpriseSearchIndexComponent
  26. New-SPEnterpriseSearchLinksDatabase
  27. New-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryProcessingComponent
  28. New-SPEnterpriseSearchResultItemType
  29. New-SPEnterpriseSearchTopology
  30. Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchComponent
  31. Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchContentEnrichmentConfiguration
  32. Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlLogReadPermission
  33. Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchFileFormat
  34. Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchLinksDatabase
  35. Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchResultItemType
  36. Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplicationSiteSettings
  37. Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchTenantConfiguration
  38. Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchTenantSchema
  39. Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchTopology
  40. Repartition-SPEnterpriseSearchLinksDatabases
  41. Restore-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplicationIndex
  42. Set-SPEnterpriseSearchContentEnrichmentConfiguration
  43. Set-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlLogReadPermission
  44. Set-SPEnterpriseSearchLinguisticComponentsStatus
  45. Set-SPEnterpriseSearchLinksDatabase
  46. Set-SPEnterpriseSearchPrimaryHostController
  47. Set-SPEnterpriseSearchQuerySpellingCorrection
  48. Set-SPEnterpriseSearchResultItemType
  49. Set-SPEnterpriseSearchTopology
  50. Upgrade-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplicationSiteSettings

Workflow Service

Um, where’s the “SP”? I also find it interesting that the technet documentation only lists one of these and in their place are SharePoint Designer related cmdlets.

  1. Copy-LocalActivitiesToWorkflowService
  2. Get-WorkflowServiceApplicationProxy
  3. New-WorkflowServiceApplicationProxy
  4. Register-SPWorkflowService

Translation Service

Seriously – what’s with the missing “SP”? I’ve done a fair bit with Variations within SharePoint 2007 and 2010 so I’m definitely interested in these guys – expect to see an article about the new Translation Services in the near future.

  1. New-SPTranslationServiceApplication
  2. New-SPTranslationServiceApplicationProxy
  3. Get-TranslationThrottlingSettings
  4. Remove-SPTranslationServiceJobHistory
  5. Set-SPTranslationServiceApplication
  6. Set-SPTranslationServiceApplicationProxy
  7. Set-TranslationThrottlingSettings

Access 2013 Services

Access Services is dead! Long live Access Services 2013 – from what I’ve seen it should be much better than the last version. The only question I have is will the name stay the same in the next version of SharePoint or will we be always talking about Access Services 2013 in SharePoint 2016 or 2019 or whatever. Seems like the better approach would have been to ditch the old version and create an upgrade path (they did it with search so why not Access?).

  1. Copy-SPAccessServicesDatabase
  2. Get-SPAccessServicesApplication
  3. Get-SPAccessServicesDatabase
  4. Get-SPAccessServicesDatabaseServer
  5. Get-SPAccessServicesDatabaseServerGroup
  6. Get-SPAccessServicesDatabaseServerGroupMapping
  7. New-SPAccessServicesApplication
  8. New-SPAccessServicesApplicationProxy
  9. New-SPAccessServicesDatabaseServer
  10. Remove-SPAccessServicesDatabaseServer
  11. Reset-SPAccessServicesDatabasePassword
  12. Set-SPAccessServicesApplication
  13. Set-SPAccessServicesDatabaseServer
  14. Set-SPAccessServicesDatabaseServerGroupMapping
  15. New-SPAzureAccessControlServiceApplicationProxy

Business Connectivity Services

Don’t know much about these guys yet.

  1. Clear-SPBusinessDataCatalogEntityNotificationWeb
  2. Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogEntityNotificationWeb
  3. Set-SPBusinessDataCatalogEntityNotificationWeb
  4. New-SPBECWebServiceApplicationProxy (I’ve no idea what this guy does but if you look at the technet documentation for it there’s a big fat warning stating not to use it so I suspect it will go away with RTM (or perhaps it’s just not stable right now).
  5. Get-SPODataConnectionSetting
  6. Get-SPODataConnectionSettingMetadata
  7. New-SPODataConnectionSetting
  8. Remove-SPODataConnectionSetting
  9. Set-SPODataConnectionSetting
  10. Set-SPODataConnectionSettingMetadata

Reporting Services

Hey, look at that, Reporting Services has become a first class citizen within SharePoint!

  1. Backup-SPRSEncryptionKey
  2. Dismount-SPRSDatabase
  3. Get-SPRSDatabase
  4. Get-SPRSDatabaseCreationScript
  5. Get-SPRSDatabaseRightsScript
  6. Get-SPRSDatabaseUpgradeScript
  7. Get-SPRSExtension
  8. Get-SPRSProxyUrl
  9. Get-SPRSServiceApplication
  10. Get-SPRSServiceApplicationProxy
  11. Get-SPRSServiceApplicationServers
  12. Get-SPRSSite
  13. Install-SPRSService
  14. Install-SPRSServiceProxy
  15. Mount-SPRSDatabase
  16. New-SPRSDatabase
  17. New-SPRSExtension
  18. New-SPRSServiceApplication
  19. New-SPRSServiceApplicationProxy
  20. Remove-SPRSDatabase
  21. Remove-SPRSEncryptedData
  22. Remove-SPRSExtension
  23. Remove-SPRSServiceApplication
  24. Restore-SPRSEncryptionKey
  25. Set-SPRSDatabase
  26. Set-SPRSExtension
  27. Set-SPRSServiceApplication
  28. Update-SPRSEncryptionKey

PerformancePoint Services

Export. Import. Okay.

  1. Export-SPPerformancePointContent
  2. Import-SPPerformancePointContent


I haven’t looked into these yet but I’m pretty sure they’re all about getting Excel Services and PowerPivot working together (there’s no documentation on them that I can find).

  1. Get-SPExcelBIServer
  2. New-SPExcelBIServer
  3. Remove-SPExcelBIServer
  4. Set-SPExcelBIServer

PowerPoint Conversion Services

We had Word Conversion Services in SharePoint 2010 and now we have what is basically the same feature for PowerPoint in SharePoint 2013.

  1. New-SPPowerPointConversionServiceApplication
  2. New-SPPowerPointConversionServiceApplicationProxy
  3. Set-SPPowerPointConversionServiceApplication

Work Management Services

The new Work Management Services is all about managing tasks. You can find the technet documentation for these cmdlets here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fp161255(v=office.15).aspx. There’s also a short presentation you can watch here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/webtamer/archive/2012/08/22/the-brilliance-of-sharepoint-2013-s-new-work-management-service-application.aspx.

  1. New-SPWorkManagementServiceApplication
  2. New-SPWorkManagementServiceApplicationProxy
  3. Set-SPWorkManagementServiceApplication
  4. Set-SPWorkManagementServiceApplicationProxy

Request Management

My buddy Spence has an article series that he’s been working on regarding Request Management (including some scripts to get it all configured): http://www.harbar.net/articles/sp2013rm1.aspx

  1. Get-SPRequestManagementSettings
  2. New-SPRequestManagementRuleCriteria
  3. Set-SPRequestManagementSettings
  4. Add-SPRoutingMachineInfo
  5. Add-SPRoutingMachinePool
  6. Add-SPRoutingRule
  7. Get-SPRoutingMachineInfo
  8. Get-SPRoutingMachinePool
  9. Get-SPRoutingRule
  10. Remove-SPRoutingMachineInfo
  11. Remove-SPRoutingMachinePool
  12. Remove-SPRoutingRule
  13. Set-SPRoutingMachineInfo
  14. Set-SPRoutingMachinePool
  15. Set-SPRoutingRule
  16. Add-SPThrottlingRule
  17. Get-SPThrottlingRule
  18. Remove-SPThrottlingRule
  19. Set-SPThrottlingRule


Yeah, lots of new social features in SharePoint 2013 – word is though that you might want to hold off spending too much time on this until after RTM (I could have misheard though).

  1. Add-SPSocialAppPermissions
  2. Remove-SPActivityFeedItems
  3. Remove-SPSocialAppPermissions
  4. Update-SPRepopulateMicroblogFeedCache
  5. Update-SPRepopulateMicroblogLMTCache

Site Collections

I would have expected to find these under the “Site Collection cmdlets” section of technet but instead they are under the “Site management cmdlets” section. Note all the SPSiteUrl cmdlets – according to the technet documentation these apply only to Site Collections at the root of a Web Application but, as the big push now is to use host named Site Collections I suspect these will work for them as well and are really intended for them (just speculating thought as I’ve not had time to test any theories).

  1. Copy-SPSite
  2. Get-SPSiteUpgradeSessionInfo
  3. Get-SPSiteURL
  4. Move-SPDeletedSite
  5. Remove-SPSiteURL
  6. Repair-SPSite
  7. Set-SPSiteURL
  8. Test-SPSite

Scale Out Databases

Clearly a lot of changes have been made to the underlying database capabilities. I’ve not seen any documentation yet which details the architectural considerations of using scale out databases but if you’re doing any kind of large scale deployment I suggest you look into these guys (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee906544(v=office.15).aspx).

  1. Add-SPScaleOutDatabase
  2. Add-SPServerScaleOutDatabase
  3. Clear-SPScaleOutDatabaseDeletedDataSubRange
  4. Clear-SPScaleOutDatabaseLog
  5. Clear-SPScaleOutDatabaseTenantData
  6. Clear-SPServerScaleOutDatabaseDeletedDataSubRange
  7. Clear-SPServerScaleOutDatabaseLog
  8. Clear-SPServerScaleOutDatabaseTenantData
  9. Export-SPScaleOutDatabaseTenantData
  10. Export-SPServerScaleOutDatabaseTenantData
  11. Get-SPScaleOutDatabase
  12. Get-SPScaleOutDatabaseDataState
  13. Get-SPScaleOutDatabaseInconsistency
  14. Get-SPScaleOutDatabaseLogEntry
  15. Get-SPServerScaleOutDatabase
  16. Get-SPServerScaleOutDatabaseDataState
  17. Get-SPServerScaleOutDatabaseInconsistency
  18. Get-SPServerScaleOutDatabaseLogEntry
  19. Import-SPScaleOutDatabaseTenantData
  20. Import-SPServerScaleOutDatabaseTenantData
  21. Remove-SPScaleOutDatabase
  22. Remove-SPServerScaleOutDatabase
  23. Set-SPScaleOutDatabaseDataRange
  24. Set-SPScaleOutDatabaseDataSubRange
  25. Set-SPServerScaleOutDatabaseDataRange
  26. Set-SPServerScaleOutDatabaseDataSubRange
  27. Split-SPScaleOutDatabase
  28. Split-SPServerScaleOutDatabase


This is actually a pretty cool change. Think about scenarios where you have some users who need Enterprise features and some who only need Standard features; with SharePoint 2010 you probably just bought everyone an Enterprise CAL or you just used the product illegally and let Standard users utilize Enterprise features because there was no good way to enforce it (you could use feature sets but few people have the necessary governance in place to enforce it’s proper use). With SharePoint 2013 you can now map a user to a specific license type thereby blocking access to feature that they are not licensed to use. You can find more information about this on technet.

  1. Add-SPUserLicenseMapping
  2. Disable-SPUserLicensing
  3. Enable-SPUserLicensing
  4. Get-SPUserLicense
  5. Get-SPUserLicenseMapping
  6. Get-SPUserLicensing
  7. New-SPUserLicenseMapping
  8. Remove-SPUserLicenseMapping


There was all kinds of issues with how caching was done in previous versions of SharePoint so to address those issues we now have a new distributed caching service. Note that this isn’t a ground up new product – the SharePoint team is leveraging Windows Server AppFrabric. You can find more information about configuring the service on technet.

  1. Add-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstanceOnLocalServer
  2. Clear-SPDistributedCacheItem
  3. Get-SPDistributedCacheClientSetting
  4. Remove-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstanceOnLocalServer
  5. Set-SPDistributedCacheClientSetting
  6. Stop-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstanceGracefullyOnLocalServer

Bing (or, Geolocation Fields)

There’s a new geolocation field type in SharePoint 2013 that can be used to store longitude and latitude coordinates that can then be rendered on a Bing map. You can find more information about using and configuring this field on technet.

  1. Get-SPBingMapsBlockInAllLocales
  2. Get-SPBingMapsKey
  3. Set-SPBingMapsBlockInAllLocales
  4. Set-SPBingMapsKey


In-place upgrade is no longer an option with SharePoint 2013 (this is a good thing!). And thankfully the team has added some additional cmdlets to help manage the upgrade process so we have more visibility into the process and I don’t have to remember psconfig command line switches.

  1. Get-SPPendingUpgradeActions
  2. Get-SPUpgradeActions
  3. Remove-SPSiteUpgradeSessionInfo
  4. Request-SPUpgradeEvaluationSite
  5. Upgrade-SPFarm
  6. Upgrade-SPSite
  1. Get-SPAuthenticationRealm
  2. Set-SPAuthenticationRealm
  3. Get-SPClaimTypeEncoding
  4. New-SPClaimTypeEncoding
  5. Get-SPSecureStoreSystemAccounts
  6. Set-SPSecureStoreSystemAccounts
  7. Get-SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer
  8. Get-SPTrustedSecurityTokenService
  9. New-SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer
  10. New-SPTrustedSecurityTokenService
  11. Remove-SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer
  12. Remove-SPTrustedSecurityTokenService
  13. Set-SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer
  14. Set-SPTrustedSecurityTokenService
  15. Convert-SPWebApplication

IRM Settings

  1. Get-SPIRMSettings
  2. Set-SPIRMSettings
  3. Get-SPSiteSubscriptionIRMConfig
  4. Set-SPSiteSubscriptionIRMConfig

User Settings Provider

  1. Get-SPUserSettingsProvider
  2. Get-SPUserSettingsProviderManager
  3. New-SPUserSettingsProvider
  4. Remove-SPUserSettingsProvider

Web Application Open Platform Interface (WOPI)

Office Web Applications (OWA) is no longer a SharePoint add-on and instead is a standalone product. So now, instead of all the cmdlets to manage OWA we have a bunch of cmdlets to manage WOPI – which is basically the open protocol that the new Office Web Applications uses. With these cmdlets we can connect our SharePoint Farm to Office Web Applications. (Every time I see WOPI I think of WOPR in War Games – “Would you like to play a game?”).

  1. Get-SPWOPIBinding
  2. Get-SPWOPISuppressionSetting
  3. Get-SPWOPIZone
  4. New-SPWOPIBinding
  5. New-SPWOPISuppressionSetting
  6. Remove-SPWOPIBinding
  7. Remove-SPWOPISuppressionSetting
  8. Set-SPWOPIBinding
  9. Set-SPWOPIZone
  10. Update-SPWOPIProofKey


This is cool if you do a lot of scripting and want all of your diagnostic information generated by your script to have the same Correlation ID.

  1. Start-SPDiagnosticsSession
  2. Stop-SPDiagnosticsSession