Today I finally got around to booking my travel for my favorite SharePoint conference – the SharePoint Evolution Conference in London England. For the third year in a row I have the honor of being able to present, and once again I’ll be covering the PowerShell side of things at the conference. Normally I tend to do more of a deep dive when I present but this time I’ll be stepping back a bit and providing more of an introductory type session to perhaps help those who have yet to realize the power of PowerShell get up to speed. This time I’ll only be doing the one session so I’ll get plenty of time to sit in on what I expect to be some great sessions (I originally was going to present on the SharePoint Education features but as those features are going away it was decided to scrub the session rather than present on something people shouldn’t be using).

Here’s the abstract for my session if your planning on attending:

The Power that is PowerShell – learn all about using PowerShell in SharePoint.
Audience: Developer / IT Pro

With the release of SharePoint 2013 Microsoft has nearly doubled the number of PowerShell cmdlets that are available for managing the product. This increase coupled with the fact that many things can now only be managed using PowerShell (such as search topology) means that administrators and developers alike must embrace PowerShell in order to be successful with SharePoint. In this session you will learn the basics of how to use PowerShell, from simple syntax to creating scripts for common or complex tasks; additionally, we’ll look at some of the new features available with PowerShell V3, the required version for SharePoint 2013.

Steve Smith and his crew at Combined Knowledge know how to put on an incredible show with fantastic speakers, sessions, and after-hours events. If you’re only given a budget for one conference each year you may not initially think about flying to London (assuming you’re not local) for that conference but I highly suggest you consider it. I’ve only been out of the States twice before in my life and both times were for this conference and it was totally worth it. From a purely educational standpoint the sessions are top notch with speakers who truly know their stuff so you can be assured that you’re getting quality information that stems from real world experience and not just playing around in a lab environment.

If you do make it to the conference please stop by my session and say hi!