Configuring SSO via STSADM

Configuring SSO via STSADM

I can’t actually take credit for this particular command – in fact I’ve never configured SSO so I personally don’t know much about it. I got the code from Stef van Hooijdonk who graciously provided the code he produced.

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New Issue with STSADM MergeContentDB

New Issue with STSADM MergeContentDB

I just saw this post on the SharePoint forums: – it appears that there’s a possibility for data corruption when using the STSADM mergecontentdb command. The post details a few things you can do to reduce the possibility of corruption when using the command but it would appear that the hidden message is to use Backup/Restore until a fix is released.

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Synchronizing Quota Settings via STSADM

Synchronizing Quota Settings via STSADM

When working with clients on their SharePoint deployment I often get questions about the quota templates and how they work. Quotas are kind of odd because of the disconnected nature of the quota template and the quota that is assigned to a site collection.

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Setting the Master Page Using STSADM

Setting the Master Page Using STSADM

I’d thought about building an STSADM command to enable setting the master page of a site for quite a while but had opted not to do it simply out of principle – it’s generally a better idea to do this via a Feature and I didn’t really want to promote a bad practice.

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Don't Use the PrepareToMove STSADM Command

Don't Use the PrepareToMove STSADM Command

Todd Carter just published an interesting post about when to use, and more appropriately, not use the preparetomove command: Essentially if you have at least the Infrastructure Update (IU) installed then using this command will cause you issues.

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Replacing Navigation URLs Using STSADM

Replacing Navigation URLs Using STSADM

I was working on a project last Fall where a client of mine had a single site collection for their entire document library which was expected to be over 1TB. As a result of the large size of the site collection we decided to break it up into multiple site collections each contained within their own content database (we ended up with 12 in the end).

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Recalculating Usage Statistics via STSADM or PowerShell

Recalculating Usage Statistics via STSADM or PowerShell

I was perusing through the SharePoint forums the other day and I came across an issue that someone was having with the usage statistics information for their My Sites site collections.

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gl-fixpagecontact Deprecated!!!

gl-fixpagecontact Deprecated!!!

Woohoo! – I finally get to deprecate one of my commands – after creating and publishing 135 commands I discovered today that the August Cumulative Update fixes the issue that my gl-fixpagecontact command sought to address.

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Deactivating Features at Different Scopes Using STSADM

Deactivating Features at Different Scopes Using STSADM

I just posted about one of my new commands, gl-activatefeature, which covers activating features at different scopes using STSADM. That article covers all the code necessary to not only implement the activation, but also the deactivation.

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Activating Features at Different Scopes Using STSADM

Activating Features at Different Scopes Using STSADM

How many times have you had a Feature, either out-of-the-box or custom, that you have needed to activate at lots of different scopes or **re-**activate at lots of different scopes? To do this you may have found a way to get the list of site collections or webs and then somehow used that list in conjunction with the STSADM activatefeature command or worse you manually went to every site or web and manually activated or re-activated the Feature – this is extremely tedious and error prone as you may miss a site or web.

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